Redesigning Spectranet self-care landing and payment page
Spectranet is an internet-service providing company based in Nigeria and as someone who has used several internet service providers over the years, I can say it is one of the best.
I have seen the company evolve over the years from a more-offline user interaction company into a more digital brand with various online solutions, one being a self care portal which exists to allow customers renew and top up their data plans and also, even manage their accounts easily.
Recently, I found myself visiting the self care portal a lot (my data kept finishing like Barry Allen) and so, I started paying more attention to this self care portal.
It really is pretty decent but I noted some things I felt could be improved on; in respect to the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX).
As a UI/UX designer that would love to see the brand improve not only their internet services but the overall experience a user gets when they log on to the self care portal, I decided to redesign the landing page and the payment page with the hopes that it will help the company open doors for improvement.
Current Landing Page:
Looking at this page, I saw need for improvement on how data is being represented, the use of space and colors being used.
In more detail, these are few of the things I felt could be improved on:
- Some details like ‘Next Renewal Date’ and ‘Expiring Date’ carries the same information.
- The Header section definitely looks like it can use an upgrade.
- The concept of having to scroll under ‘Plan Description’.
- The buttons arranged under the header
- The ads representation
- Test your internet section
- The colors being used are too flashy/bright
Current Change Plan Section:
I personally feel that users do not need to go to a totally new page to make this happen. Also, the look and feel for this page could be improved.
Notes From My Drawing Board:
On the landing page, I gave the page a total facelift; reducing the flashy colors and representing the data on the page in a more concise and user friendly way, without killing features currently on the portal.
This facelift puts into consideration:
i.) Users, who majorly access the portal in order to buy a plan, check their data balance or top up their balance for auto renewal purposes.
ii.) The Business, knowing fully well that they need to pass information to the users through the poster.
On the ‘change plan’ page, I improved the look and feel and also changed it from a page to a modal (Popup) which makes it easy to dismiss if the user doesn’t want to continue with the process.